". . .genetrix et mater superstitionis Etruria
. . . Etruria, the begetter and mother of superstition."
Arnobius, Adv. nat. 7.26

AS THE NAME STATES, Etruscan polytheism—also known as Rasenna polytheism—is the reconstructed religion of Etruria, a civilisation in Northern Italy that coexisted with the Romans until their collapse. As such, they influenced the likes of Rome and ancient Greece, interacted with the Gauls, and inspired the Elder Futhark. An Etruscan polytheist is follower of the reconstructed Etruscan religion.Etruscan polytheism revolves around the worship of the aiser, venerating nature, and living within the Etruscan worldview. The Etruscan worldview is that of devotion, divination, and the 16 divisions of the heavens. This is open for anyone to use; whether you are simply curious, incorporating an aiser or two, or looking to join us in reconstructing etruscan polytheism.In this carrd we have compiled the basics of Rasenna’s religion for anyone interested. All information in this carrd is sourced from the resources section. We are constantly expanding and updating this, so look forward to changes, expansions, and edits to this carrd.

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